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Shalini Sahai, MD

Shalini Sahai, MD
Chair, DIR Board of Directors

I was born in India, moved to the US after completing medical school and have been a practicing pediatrician with a large health care organization for more than 15 years.

In 2009, while visiting family in India, I was introduced to Dr Frederick Shaw. At that time he had been running the Janta Colony program for 3-4 years and had already achieved spectacular results in reducing infant mortality and malnutrition in children. The simplicity of his approach to these complex issues was very refreshing and the results undeniable. I was very inspired by his program and for the following 2 years, I spent some months working with DIR in India. Dr Shaw later invited me to join the Board of Directors of DIR.

I’ve come to realize that every person seeks to find meaning in his or her life. More often that meaning comes from something outside one’s self. For me, this meaning has come from being a part of the DIR family, serving to give back to my community in whatever ways I can.

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