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Our Needs and Hopes

Like other NGOs working in impoverished communities, DIR faces the constant challenge that needs of the people we serve seem endless. Yet to serve effectively, we must ensure that DIR itself is properly staffed and resourced in many different areas.

DIR’s hope is to replicate the success achieved in Janta Colony in many other slums. The needs identified below align with this vision, and aim to show that many different kinds of contributions will be vital to continued progress towards it.

Urgent and immediate need: salary support for medical and administrative professionals

In recent months, DIR has been severely short-staffed on the medical side, which limits the level of services we can deliver to Janta Colony residents and the training we can provide to Health Promoters. A general shortage of physicians across India is making recruitment difficult and also driving up the salaries expected.

In order to grow, DIR must undertake many more administrative functions than can reasonably be achieved by a solitary CEO. We deeply desire to recruit a Deputy CEO who could take over portfolios such as project planning and delivery, budgeting and accounting, human resources, government relations, communications, fundraising and partnerships .

Funding support that targets these two areas would greatly assist DIR’s chances of attracting the highly skilled individuals needed to fill these positions.

Stable funding to support long-term planning

Having proven that its model of Health Promotion can deliver outstanding results in a very short period, DIR is now ready to develop a long-term strategy for expansion — first within India, then to other countries. In this regard, DIR seeks to establish partnerships with agencies or individuals who can play the role of Visionary Donors by committing funds of $10 000 or more, over a period of three to five years.

Equally important to long-term planning is a broader network of Sustaining Donors who are able to make monthly contributions in amounts ranging from $10 to several hundred dollars.