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Posts from the ‘Development’ Category


The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 61 million Indian children suffer “stunted” growth due to malnutrition in early development. Aside from small physical stature, stunting is linked to cognitive impairment, difficulty in school, reduced economic opportunities in adulthood and reduced maternal reproductive health.

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Care for Mothers and Babies

SUCCESS: The infant mortality rate in Janta Colony is less than half the national average: just 20 deaths per 1000 births compared to 49/1000 across India.

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Facilitating Immunization

SUCCESS: Almost 100% of children in Janta Colony are fully immunised, compared to national averages of 40% to 60% (depending on disease).

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Monitoring Child Development

SUCCESS: Since 2005, the rate of severe malnutrition for children under 5 years in Janta Colony has plummeted from 87% to less than 20%.

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Providing Education

SUCCESS: DIR’s School with a Difference helps slum children earn scholarships to private schools in Chandigarh, opening doors to a brighter future.

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