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Special Activities

Throughout each year, DIR organizes special activities to respond to a specific need of the local community or, indeed, to enhance community spirit.

To further promote health, DIR works with professionals or students from nearby universities to arrange one-day clinics in the basti for dental health, eye care, family planning or other ares of need that Health Promoters identify. In addition to providing much-needed services and eduction to people in Janta Colony, these events are often educational for those providing services who are often unaware that such slums exist on the outskirts of Chandigarh and become more engaged in DIR’s efforts.

To enhance education, DIR organizes sporting activities, games and cultural events, and field trips to local sites and events. As the basti lacks a proper playing field, sometimes DIR simply takes the children to city park where they can run and play in a clean, open area. For many, these outings are the only occasion they have to see a world beyond the densely populated and unsanitary conditions they live in every day.

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Further details on special activities will be added soon.





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